Privacy policy Portugal

1 Introduction

When using the CineGame app, Cinemataztic ApS collects personal information about you. This Privacy Policy describes how your information is collected and used.

2 Data controller

Cinemataztic ApS, Hellerupvej 46, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark, CVR nr. 37207187, is the data controller. This means that we are responsible for your personal information.

If you have questions  to the information recorded about you at Cinemataztic, you can contact our Data Protection Office

3 Purpose and basis for collecting of personal information

Given your consent, we process the following personal information about you for the following purposes:

- Age: You have entered your age to play the CineGame and engage in other activities in the CineGame app. This information is used to make sure we meet the age requirement for certain types of advertised products. Age is also used to target advertisements against the app and on the cinema screen against certain segments.

- Gender: If you choose to share your gender, that information will be used to target advertisements in the app and on the cinema screen against certain segments.

- Name: If you choose to share your name with us, it will be used to make it easier for your friends to find you in the app and add you to their friend-list, just like you can add them. If you have added a friend to your list and they have accepted the request, you can send a message to one or more of them after you log on to a game, asking them to cheer you on during a game. You can encourage your friends to join the game as well and win the prizes in our games.

- Profile picture: If you choose to share your profile picture with us, we will use it for your avatar and show it on the cinema screen when you log on to a game, as well as show it in the app to other users.

- Email: If you choose to share your email address, we will use it to make sure that we can restore your account including prizes and credits if your device logs you out or if you change your phone. We do not use your email address for marketing and promotion, and we do not share your email address with third parties.

- We store information about which cinema hall and at what time and date you have played given CineGame, what other games you have played in our CineGame app and whether you have won a prize and redeemed it. We store this information so we can document that you have played and whether you have won. We can also recreate a prize voucher or coins redeemed by mistake or otherwise disappeared from your ‘Prizes’ in the CineGame app.

- When you download the CineGame app we collect data on your mobile device – model, brand and telco provider. The data is used to optimize app performance and for profiling for advertising purposes.

- We also offer you to participate in in-app surveys where we collect information regarding your demographics, consumer behaviour and brand relations. We use your data for audience profiling to match advertisements on the cinema screen with the audience.

We use your personal information to evaluate your preferences, interests, and behaviour to target advertising ("Profiling"). The overall logic of the profiling and segmentation is to target marketing and ads to relevant recipients with content from advertisers that match users' profiles, interests and geographical area.

In addition, we process your Google and Apple App push IDs to identify the mobile device and other information used to send you push notifications to inform you about:

We will send these push messages to you if you have given us consent, but you can revoke this consent at any time by editing your preference and profile in the CineGame app.

4 Deletion

The personal information concerning your cinema visit and game statistics is automatically deleted after 12 months from the time the data was collected. However, we will not delete your profile and your prizes.

If your CineGame profile has been inactive for 24 months, it will be deleted. (ie. we delete all the personal information we have collected - including your age, gender, profile picture, name, email, geography, device, telco provider, cinema visits and game statistics, In-app activity, prizes and coins collected). 

If you want to delete your data and your profile - please submit a ticket here:

5 Your rights

You have the following rights in accordance with the rules of personal data law:

- Right to revoke consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time for the processing of your personal data. Then we delete all the personal information we have collected in connection with your use of our CineGame app.

If you want to withdraw your consent you can do this by submitting a ticket here: or by writing to


- Right to insight. You can get full information about all the personal information that is collected, stores and processes about you by writing to


- Right to object. You can always object to Cinemataztic ApS processing of your personal information by writing to


- Right to data portability and to data correction. You can always request to get your data disclosed and get your personal information corrected by writing to

- Right to have data deleted. You can always request to have your personal information deleted by please submit a ticket here: or by writing to 

- Right to limit data collection. You can always request a limitation of the processing of your personal information by to write to

If you wish to complain about our processing of your personal data, you can contact the national authority for personal data protection.

6 Transfer of personal data

Transfer of personal data to subsidiaries as well as to professional advisers is done in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

- Only trusted employees, representatives and suppliers with a work-related need, will have access to your personal data and only to the extent necessary to be able to provide a service to us or when acting on our behalf. All use must be in accordance with applicable data protection law.

- Cinemataztic ApS use data processors and transfer your personal information to Cinemataztic ApS, who uses Google as a sub-processor. In connection with the use of our data processors and sub-processors, personal data is transferred to so-called third countries, including the United States. The transfer of personal data takes place in accordance with applicable data protection legislation, based on the Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework.

7 Contact information

If you have any questions, you can contact:

- “Data protection request handler”  Cinemataztic ApS, Hellerupvej 46, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark, CVR nr. 37207187
